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High Performing Boards Masterclass 
20th January 2023, London

An effective Board is vital if your organisation is to achieve its potential, be run effectively and deliver impact.


In this highly participative and pragmatic Masterclass, run by Board expert Patrick Dunne, you will learn the characteristics of high performing boards and be ready to take these lessons back to your organisation, focusing on:


  • Purpose: How do you ensure clarity of purpose, alignment across the organisation and understanding of the role of Boards and Executives in achieving that. 

  • People: What are the characteristics of high performing Chairs, Board Members, and Senior Leaders and what is the Board's role in building culture and values.

  • Processes: How do you run an efficient Board? What information do you need? What tools are available to support effective Boards? 


Grounded in real-world, high-impact examples of effective (and dysfunctional) Boards, this Masterclass will provide time to get practical – introducing tools and techniques to build your Boardroom skills. 


The course will be ideal for Board members, CEOs and Senior Leaders of social impact organisations. Come prepared to share your most pressing professional or Board challenge, and to leave with a greater sense of clarity, confidence, and the tools to tackle it.





Join Us and Enhance Your Board Skills

Date:                    Friday 20th January, 10am – 4pm

Location:             Central London

Price:                   £480 inclusive of VAT 

Only 10 places available

For more details please contact Stephen Harvey

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