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We help people and organisations with a social purpose work smarter and achieve their mission.


Our clients are boards, founders, funders and their senior leadership teams. We support them to lead and drive their organisations to the next stage of growth, professionalism and performance.



“Kate and Stephen were hugely involved in helping us to crystallize and operationalize our South African based family foundation initiative, NextUp. Their services spanned the entire spectrum. This included initial full day workshops using custom methodologies to ideate and challenge. They followed this up with global research and meetings with like-minded philanthropic initiatives.

Beyond the planning phase, Kate and Stephen helped us to manage our CEO recruitment initiative and took the lead role in interviewing multiple candidates. As our in-country team has taken shape, the Bateleur team has remained involved representing our family and advising our CEO. Beyond avoiding many potential pitfalls and delays, NextUp would most likely not exist without the experience, hard work and resourcefulness of the Bateleur team. Our family is extremely grateful to Kate and Stephen.”

David & Tracey Frankel, Founders, NextUp



Kate Kuper

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Stephen Harvey

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We have a network of trusted expert associates that we can bring in to support clients where we believe others know more or our time can be better spent for the client on other activities

We bring decades of experience as CEOs, board members and project managers. 

Our approach is insightful, pragmatic and concise. â€‹We listen, we engage, we recommend, we act, we learn.

We make things happen together with our clients.

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